Thursday, April 21, 2016
Congratulations to Kennah Gray – our Student of the Week!
Juniors and Seniors: There are only two more days to buy your prom tickets. Sales will continue at lunch, but you can also buy your tickets from Ms. Phil or Ms. Bernier before school. WE WILL NOT BE SELLING TICKETS AT THE DOOR. If you are bringing a guest who does not attend LCHS, forms are due today. Turn those into the office for approval. Also, if you have not picked up your After-Prom letter and permission slip, please pick up those forms from Ms. Phil or Ms. Bernier and return the signed portion by this FRIDAY to Phillips or Bernier.
With warmer weather approaching, please remember the dress code, as addressed in the student handbook (page 12): Students are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate, which is the opinion of the administration, and not distractive to the learning process. This includes, but not limited to: bandanas, halter/tank tops, midriffs, revealing clothing, shirts with sides cut out known as “wife-beaters” and miniskirts. Shorts must be fingertip length. Hats must be removed upon entering the building. When wearing leggings, a shirt must be worn covering both front and back area. According to the student hand book, first notification of inappropriate clothing is call to parent and detention. Student is sent home if proper attire is not available. Second notification is detention and/or suspension and parent contact.
JV Softball vs Benzie Central, home, game starts at 4:15.
JV baseball vs Benzie is cancelled.
Golf vs Frankfort at Crystal Lake Country Club, dismiss at 2:00, depart 2:15, match starts at 4:30 p.m.