Monday, September 12, 2016
Sophomores – great job yesterday on float building! All of your help was greatly appreciated. Don’t forget that we build again on Sunday from 10-4.
Seniors - we still have a few spots open for helping out at the Powderpuff game – stop in
Ms. Bernier’s room to sign up. Also, if you are helping out at Culver’s tonight, please meet us there at 4:35. Remember to wear a Lake City shirt and closed-toed shoes.
The senior class would like to invite everyone to come to Culver’s tonight from 5-8 P.M. Culver’s will be donating a portion of dining room profits to our class for the senior trip.
Seniors - we will be float building at the Trolz house Tuesday through Friday from 3:45 until 7. Please come help!
Dance guest pass forms are available in the office. This form must be completed and returned to the office by Wednesday, September 21, at the latest, if you are bringing a guest to the Homecoming dance who does not attend Lake City Schools. Your guest must be under 21 and in good standing at their high school or place of employment.
Students that go to the PM CTC, that do not have a 4th hour class and do not go off campus at lunch, are to be in the lobby, the library hallway or in in the library. You are not allowed down the high school hallway. This time should be used to do homework. You should only be eating your food in the cafeteria. You may take your food to the cafeteria starting at 11:35. If you go off-campus and want to eat before 11:35, you should eat off-campus before returning. Drinks and food are not allowed in the hallway.
Northern Michigan University and Saginaw Valley State University will both be here on Thursday, September 15. Saginaw Valley will be here at 8:30 a.m. and Northern at 1:30 p.m. Aquinas College will also be here Friday, September 16 at 1:30 p.m. All college representatives will meet with students in the library. Sign-up in the office if you are interested before school, after school, or during lunch.