Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Sophomores – Jostens will return tomorrow to the library media center during lunch to help students with their class ring order.
Students are no longer allowed to be on the property of the Free Methodist church before school, at lunch, or after school, due to inappropriate and disrespectful behavior and littering. This is private property and will now be patrolled.
Congratulations to the underclassmen for winning the powderpuff game 21-0! Also, the senior class would like to thank everyone who helped make our senior trip fundraiser a success. Whether you played, coached, officiated, worked the gate or concessions, or simply attended, the senior class thanks you for your support!
Seniors interested in going on the senior trip - there is a meeting today at 3:00 in Ms. Bernier’s room. If you are interested in the trip but cannot attend, please see Ms. Bernier for information.
Attention juniors - we will be dismantling the float this evening at 6:00 p.m. in the maintenance barn. Please bring a pair of needle nose pliers to help remove all the staples. Thank you!
Yearbooks will be on sale this week at lunch. This week only, yearbooks will be $35. The price will go up next week, so order one by Friday, September 30 to get the sale price! We will not be ordering extras! Order one now, or be sad later.
Varsity Cross Country at Roscommon, students dismiss 2:00, bus depart 2:15, invite starts 4:00 p.m.
Attention all boys basketball players - there will be an open gym tonight from 6:30-8 p.m. in the high school gym.