Thursday, October 20, 2016


Thursday, October 20, 2016


Seniors interested in being part of the Halloween Dance committee - there is a meeting during lunch today in Ms. Bernier’s room.


Yearbooks are still on sale for $40.00, with a minimum deposit of $20.00.  For a list of who to purchase from, look at the wall by the art room.


COUNSELOR’S CORNER                                                                                                                


Seniors - if you have a 3.5 GPA or higher, Mid-Michigan Community College is taking applications for their Lake Distinction Scholarship.  There are 8 full ride scholarships available!  Go to for information on how to apply.  This is a great opportunity.  They are due by Saturday, November 12 so get on it fast!  See Mrs. Richardson with any questions.    

Any students who were members of the YAC program in the past, please meet at Mrs. Richardson’s office Thursday at 3:05 for a short meeting about moving forward. 


The Baker College Life 101 presentation for seniors, including pizza and pop, has been rescheduled for Wednesday, October 26 at 10:50 a.m. for all 1st hour English 12 students, and at 12:30 p.m. for all 5th hour AP English and 7th hour English 12 students.  More details will follow.  


If you are interested in taking a Dual Enrollment course for second semester, you will need to fill out a registration packet and choose a course(s).  These will be due to Mrs. Richardson by Friday, November 4.  See Mrs. Richardson with any questions you have about Dual Enrollment, and to also pick up a packet. 


Seniors - The deadline to register for the December National SAT test day is Tuesday, November 3 and the deadline to register for the December National ACT test day is Wednesday, November 4.  Go to if you want to retake the SAT, and to to retake the ACT. 


Sophomores – MYLEAD is a leadership program for students ending their sophomore year.  There are 2 dates, one in May and one in June, to attend this amazing program at MSU.  If you are interested, see Mrs. Richardson about being nominated. 


Seniors – the first of the local scholarship application is available!  See Mrs. Richardson for an application for the Mason’s Scholarships.  They award two each year.  The completed application and supporting materials are due to Mrs. Richardson by Thursday, November 10 at noon.





There is a JV/Varsity girls basketball meeting Friday, October 21.  Get lunch and go to the auditorium.


Student/Athletes - continue to sell those Bear Claw trash bags. Order forms with payment are due on Tuesday, October 25.  Turn them in to the high school office or to Mrs. Vokes in the athletic office.