Friday, February 20, 2009
There will be a dance after the game tonight until 11:15pm. Admission is $2.00.
YACsters: There will be a meeting at 7:45am Monday, February 23rd in Ms. Morse's room. Please be there on time.
Juniors – Remember to turn in your fundraiser orders. You can turn them in at the high school office.
Attention all students: Take a stand against bullying on February 25th. Wear a pink shirt.
Challenge of the Week – Choose something that you are excited about and practice enthusiasm.
There will be a Go To Meeting today during 7th hour in the library. If you can donate a cake/dessert for the raffle at Friday’s game, let Mrs. Richardson know, ASAP!
SENIORS – There is a list of several scholarships that are available. Stop in Mrs. Richardson’s office to get the information. You can then pick up the applications that you want. Most are due by April, so get going on them now!!!
Any Junior girl who is interested in attending Girl’s State this summer, see Mrs. Richardson for more information and/or and application.
Reminder to all students – Tutoring is on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room #11 from 3:30 – 4:30.
JV & Varsity Boys Basketball – Home – Marion – 6:00
Check out the local 3 on 3 tournament information located in the athletic wall pockets.
Red cards are available. Cost is $1.00. See Ms. Gilson before school or during your lunch break.