Thursday, February 19, 2009


Thursday, February 19, 2009



Juniors – You have a class meeting today, Thursday, 2/19 at noon.  Bring your Yankee Candle fundraiser orders.  Don’t forget to pay your class dues.


There will be a dance after the game this Friday.  Admission is $2.00.




Challenge of the Week – Choose something that you are excited about and practice enthusiasm.


There will be a Go To Meeting on Friday during 7th hour in the Auditorium.  If you can donate a cake/dessert for the raffle at Friday’s game, let Mrs. Richardson know, ASAP!


SENIORS – There is a list of several scholarships that are available. Stop in Mrs. Richardson’s office to get the information.  You can then pick up the applications that you want.  Most are due by April, so get going on them now!!!


Any Junior girl who is interested in attending Girl’s State this summer, see Mrs. Richardson for more information and/or and application.


Reminder:  Tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room #11 from 3:30 – 4:30.


Sophomores and Juniors:  CTC applications for next year are available in the info center outside of Mrs. Richardson’s office.  All students who wish to attend CTC next year need one.  Note that there are two new programs available (if enough students sign up):  Public Safety and TV/Media Production.  More info on these programs is available next to the applications.  Turn completed applications in to Mrs. Richardson ASAP!




JV & Varsity Girls Basketball – Home – NMC – 6:00


Check out the local 3 on 3 tournament information located in the athletic wall pockets.


All boys & girls interested in participating in track this spring meet in the gym at 8:00am Friday, 2/20.