Tuesday, September 15, 2009
9TH GRADERS – great job on the float so far – but we have more to do. We will work today and Thursday from 5:30-8:00 p.m. A truck is needed to pull the float on Friday - and Saturday for the Festival of the Pines parade. A convertible is also needed for Friday’s homecoming parade.
9TH GRADERS – the student council is in need of chaperones for the Wednesday night bonfire and Saturday night dance. See Erik May, Kyle Allard, Mrs. Richardson, or Mrs. VanderBrook if your parents can chaperone.
SOPHOMORES – Great job on the float. You are awesome! We are still in need of people to help sell tickets at the football game this Friday, and to sell 50/50 raffle tickets. If some of you don’t step up we will give these jobs to another class and they will get the money for it! If you have already signed up, you need to find an adult to help you. Lastly, remember to pay your class dues - $10.00 this year.
JUNIORS – we will be working on the float every day after school at the maintenance building on Houghton Street until it is done.
The Varsity Club is now accepting applications for membership. Applications are in the athletic wall pocket and are due to Mr. Joe by Friday, September 25. Please see Ms. Gilson or Mr. Joe if you have questions.
The annual bonfire will be Wednesday, September 16 at 7:00 p.m. Come and earn spirit points for yourself and your class. The fun is free.
The semi-formal Homecoming Dance is scheduled for Saturday, September 19 from 8-11:15 p.m. The cost is $5.00 per person.
STUDENT COUNCIL – there will be a lunch meeting today in room 11.
Spirit Week Info – Wednesday – Celebrity Day, Thursday – Down on the Farm Day, Friday – Red, Black, and White Day.
Students – if your date for the homecoming dance is not a Lake City High School student, you must register them in the office by the end of lunch on Friday, September 18. The sheet is on the counter.
The Mobile Dentist will be here Wednesday and Thursday, September 16 and 17. We are getting a “Back to School Special.” There will be no fees for families without insurance! (In the past there has been a cost.) This is a great opportunity to get a cleaning and check-up at no cost! Forms are available in the information center outside Mrs. Richardson’s office.
Seniors who want to re-take the ACT – the deadline to register for the October 24th test is this Friday, September 18.
9th/JV/Varsity Volleyball - Home vs Beal City - 4:15 p.m.
Cross Country Jamboree – Home – 4:30 p.m.