Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


All seniors are to meet with Mrs. Pedlar today at 11:50 in room 11.


Students will vote for king and queen during fourth hour today.  Students that do not have a fourth hour class must contact Mrs. Richardson to vote.


NHSers – the Coats for Kids Italian Dinner will be held in the cafeteria tomorrow.  They are looking for some set-up help starting at 3:30.  See Ms Bernier ASAP if you are willing and able to help.


The following students are to see Mrs. Peterson during lunch today:  Ruby Hooker, Jill Brown, Gerianne Wood, Miranda Hutchinson, Mikayla Granger, Sam Roach, Will Jackson, Baylee Tinch, and Sam Slack.


AFTERNOON CTC STUDENTS – we are going to run the CTC bus on Friday afternoon for those who want to attend.  Students who would like to stay and participate in the Homecoming festivities must report to the library after lunch until the student body is released for the parade.  Attendance will be taken.  You may not leave.


9TH GRADERS – through your enthusiasm and hard work our float is near completion.  Thursday we need workers to put on the finishing touches.  Meet at Reenie’s house at 5:30 p.m.  This won’t take more than a couple of hours.  See Mrs. McNally or Ms Morse and let them know you can attend.  GREAT JOB!


9TH GRADERS - a truck is needed to pull the float for the Homecoming parade on Friday and the Festival of the Pines parade on Saturday.  We also need a convertible for Friday.


SOPHOMORES – Great job on the float.  You are awesome!  We are still in need of people to help sell tickets at the football game this Friday, and to sell 50/50 raffle tickets.  If some of you don’t step up we will give these jobs to another class and they will get the money for it!  If you have already signed up, you need to find an adult to help you.  Lastly, remember to pay your class dues - $10.00 this year.


Dear STUPENDOUS junior class – we have set a new record thanks to your fabulous effort.  The float is done!  Congratulations and thanks for a job well done.  Mrs. Phillips and Ms Bernier


The Varsity Club is now accepting applications for membership.  Applications are in the athletic wall pocket and are due to Mr. Joe by Friday, September 25.  Please see Ms. Gilson or Mr. Joe if you have questions.


The annual bonfire will be tonight at 7:00 p.m.  Come and earn spirit points for yourself and your class.  The fun is free.


The semi-formal Homecoming Dance is scheduled for Saturday, September 19 from 8-11:15 p.m.  The cost is $5.00 per person.  If you date for the dance is not a Lake City High School student, you must register him/her in the office by the end of lunch on Friday, September 18.  The sheet is on the counter. 


Spirit Week Info – Thursday – Down on the Farm Day, Friday – Red, Black, and White Day.


The Mobile Dentist will be here today and Thursday, September 16 and 17.  We are getting a “Back to School Special.”  There will be no fees for families without insurance!  (In the past there has been a cost.)  This is a great opportunity to get a cleaning and check-up at no cost!  Forms are available in the information center outside Mrs. Richardson’s office. 




Seniors who want to re-take the ACT – the deadline to register for the test on October 24 is this Friday, September 18.




9th grade volleyball @ Chip Hills – 6:00 p.m. – bus leaves at 4:15 p.m.