Wednesday, September 30, 2009
NHS applicants – this is a reminder that your application is due to Ms. Bernier by 8:15 a.m. tomorrow morning. There will be no exceptions. See Ms. Bernier if you have any questions.
SOPHOMORES – Jostens will be here on Wednesday, October 7 during lunch to take your class ring order. You must have a $50.00 deposit and your completed order form. Extra information packets are in the office.
CONGRATULATIONS to student of the week – Nick Crane.
There will be tutoring after school on Thursday from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in room 11.
SENIORS – Mrs. Getty will be in the lobby at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday to collect class dues.
SOPHOMORES – we need ticket takers for this Thursday’s JV football game. Some of you who have not been helping please sign up with Mrs. Atkins or Mrs. Peterson.
JUNIORS AND SENIORS – the following colleges will be here next week:
October 5,
All 10th and 11th grade students interested in taking the PSAT need to sign up in the office by Friday,
October 2. The test will be given in the auditorium on the morning of Wednesday, October 14. There is a cost of $14 for the test. Give payment to Ms Gilson as soon as possible - checks need to be made out to LCHS. See Mrs. Richardson if you have any questions.
JV/Varsity Volleyball @