Monday, February 27, 2012
Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Radha Patel.
SENIORS – it is not too late to order you own copy of the Class of 2012 composite. See Ms. Gilson
for an order form.
SENIORS – If you did not order a senior shirt, but would still like one, we will be placing another order on March 2. The cost for the shirt is $10 and can be turned in to Mrs. Peterson or Mrs. Atkins.
Mobile Dentists will be here Tuesday and Wednesday, March 20 and 21. Forms are in the wall pocket in front of the office. The completed forms are due in the office by Wednesday, March 14.
Math tutoring Thursday, March 1, will be with Mrs. Peterson.
Positive Quote of the Day: "The distance is nothing; it's only the first step that is difficult."
~Marquise du Deffand
BOYS BASKETBALL – parents night is scheduled for Thursday, March 1. You must register your parents ASAP. The sign up sheet is at Ms. Gilson’s door.
If you plan to go out for a spring sport, you must have a current physical on file with the athletic department. This must be taken care of before the first day of practice on March 12. See Ms. Gilson if you are not sure you have a physical on file.
CABERFAE PEAKS red cards are here. Good for discounts on lift tickets and ski or board rentals. Cost is $1.00 and the card is good all season. See Ms. Gilson to purchase.