Tuesday, February 28, 2012
NHSers: We will have a meeting tomorrow morning at 7:43 A.M. Please be on time and bring your planners.
Students and teachers: The National Honor Society will be hosting a blood drive here at the school this Friday. If you would like to donate and haven’t signed up for a time, please see Kyler Root, Nicole Priebe, Brooke Rosekrans, or Jade Dodde. Sixteen year olds are able to donate, but they need to have a parental consent form signed by a parent.
Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Radha Patel.
SENIORS – If you did not order a senior shirt, but would still like one, we will be placing another order on March 2. The cost for the shirt is $10 and can be turned in to Mrs. Peterson or Mrs. Atkins.
Mobile Dentists will be here Tuesday and Wednesday, March 20 and 21. Forms are in the wall pocket in front of the office. The completed forms are due in the office by Wednesday, March 14.
Math tutoring Thursday, March 1, will be with Mr. Prielipp.
Positive Quote of the Day: "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Test Fest” is next Tuesday. The schedule is as follows:
9th grade will be taking the PLAN test.
10th grade will be taking the Practice ACT.
11th grade will be taking the ACT on Tuesday, the Workkeys on Wednesday, and the
Michigan Component of the MME on Thursday.
All students 9th – 11th will be testing on Tuesday and being here and on time is VERY important.
You may not enter a class once a test has started. If you miss, you will have to make it up.
12th grade – you will have Tuesday off to do college visits, job shadows, and/or career research; you do NOT come to school on Tuesday.
Please also note - busses will not be running to CTC on Tuesday.
Boys JV/Varsity basketball @ NMC, bus departs at 5:00 p.m., game starts at 6:00 p.m.