Thursday, April 24, 2014



Thursday, April 24, 2014


Congratulations to the Student of the Week – Victoria Black.


Prom tickets are on sale today. Tickets are $27.50 each or $50 for a couple. 


If your date for prom is not a Lake City High School student, you must register that person in the high school office by 3:30 tomorrow. 


After Prom starts at 12:00.  You must be there NO LATER than 12:30.  If you are not, you will be denied entrance and parents will be called.  We will be collecting car keys when you arrive and will return them after the event.  If you choose to leave before 4:00 a.m. your parents will be notified. 


Math tutoring is scheduled today in Mr. Prielipp’s room.


All students going on the Spirit Trip need to have their money and permission slip turned in to

Mrs. VanderBrook by lunch tomorrow.


Students who drive to school must use caution and drive safely in the school parking lot.  If a student is found driving recklessly, driving privileges will be revoked.




All juniors are participating in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Pilot today.  Juniors will not be attending CTC, it is school excused.


There will be a meeting today at 3:00 p.m. in the foods room for students who signed up, or are interested in Teacher Academy and Dual Enrollment for next fall.  It is very important that students attend this meeting or meet with Mrs. Richardson this week if they cannot attend!


The Summer Swim Program is looking for water safety instructors for the summer.  If you are interested see Mrs. Richardson.



Varsity boys golf at Mancelona, dismissal 2:30 p.m., bus departs 2:45 p.m., game starts 4:30 p.m.