Lake City Middle School Bulletin for Friday, May 01, 2015
6th Grade Volleyball Skills Camp 6th Grade girls will have the opportunity to attend a volleyball skills camp in a series of Thursdays in May. If interested please stop in to the office to pick up a form. The cost if $20 per student and all forms are due today!
Pennies for Patients If you have a Pennies for Patients box with money you can turn them in to your Advisory Teacher. Currently the donations gathered total $393 with Mrs. Nowak's class in the lead. Remember that the class that collects the most earns a pizza party! Collection for Pennies for Patients will continue through May 8. Thank you for your donation!
Lake City Variety Show The Lake City Variety Show is tomorrow in the high school auditorium. This event will be a fun event where all can enjoy watching comedy, singing, and a variety of acts presented by fellow students from the elementary, middle school, and high school. The cost is $3-student, $5-adult, and $13-family. We hope to see you at this event! For those who are in the Lake City Variety Show-Dress rehearsal is tonight at 5:30 in the high school auditorium. All students and staff that have a part in the show or are helping out need to be at the high school by 5:30 tomorrow for instruction and practice.
Summer Basketball Camp Attention: All 6th-8th grade boys interested in attending Trojan Basketball Camp this summer, please pick-up a registration form in the office and return with payment by Friday, May 18th. 6th and 7th graders: YELLLOW SHEET. 8th graders: BLUE SHEET. If you have any questions please see Mr. Besko.
Pop Warner Football & Cheer Registration There will be two days for registration of football and cheer at the high school main lobby. Monday, May 11 & Wednesday, May 13. Both days from 6-8pm.